Newfoundland Dogs and Grooming: Can They Be Shaved in the Summer?

Newfoundland Dogs and Grooming Can They Be Shaved in the Summer

Newfoundland dogs are famous for their beautiful coats, which certainly look warm and cozy in any winter photo you’ve seen. However, when the seasons change, it seems almost cruel to let them walk around with a thick bushy coat of fur. Are owners wrong to want to shave off all those beautiful locks in order to help their dogs cool off?

Newfoundland dogs rely on their coats for protection against the elements all year round, therefore shaving them completely would be terribly wrong. Their double coat, of which the outer coarse layer has oily properties, actually protects them from the harmful effects of the Sun. Shaving these dogs could lead to sunstroke and sunburn.

If you are still unsure of how to help your pouch cool off in the hotter months of the year, feel free to read on for more tips and clarification.

Disclaimer: As with anything which may jeopardize your four-legged friend’s health, have a chat with your vet before following any other advice.

Won’t my Newfoundland dog overheat in the Summer?

Won’t my Newfoundland dog overheat in the Summer

Despite having such a bushy coat, your dog won’t overheat in the hotter periods of the year if you take some precautions.

The first thing to do is make sure they have plenty of water and shade available at all times, as well a place where your dog can rest in the cool grass or dirt if need be (such that their coat does not get dirty). You should also avoid walking them on hot pavement surfaces for too long, since this will lead to burned paws and add to their feeling of heat.

A quick test to see if the sidewalk is too hot for your dog is to place the palm of one hand on it and then quickly remove it. If you can’t hold onto that spot for more than five seconds, don’t let them walk there, either!

If they seem hot or are panting excessively from being outside too long in a warm environment (or if their coat has become dirty), it’s time to get them in the shade or in the house.

If your dog is outside in the heat, and they start to pant excessively or show signs of overheating, it’s time for them to get inside! If you can’t provide a cool water source (such as an ice-filled bowl) then make sure there are plenty of shade available at all times as well as a place where their stretch out. My dog Mia loves to lie on our titled floor after a Summer stroll, it’s really cute, actually.

Is it cruel to own a Newfoundland dog If I live in a hot climate?

Is it cruel to own a Newfoundland dog If I live in a hot climate

Although we all like to think of Newfoundland as cold, seeing that it’s fairly far north on the Canadian East coast, it can boast average temperatures of 61 °F (ca. 16 °C), and the region has known hotter summers of 77 °F (25 °C). So, this breed is used to fairly warm summers.

If you were to keep one in a very hot climate, it doesn’t mean you are cruel as long as you provide the necessary care. In a way, this breed is just as well suited to hot temperatures as cold ones.

The Newfoundland has a double coat consisting of one top layer that is long and coarse, while their undercoat consists mostly of soft dense hair. This helps to keep them cool in hot weather conditions by repelling water away from its skin. Its oiliness also protects it against sunburns as well, so that’s why shaving this dog would be a bad idea.

Should you let a Newfoundland dog travel in a car during summer?

Should you let a Newfoundland dog travel in a car during summer

Look, you have to live your life and your dog is a part of that. As with any dog, you don’t want to allow them to travel in a hot car. You need to be mindful of the temperature and have a plan before you leave.

Ideally, you can turn on the AC or open the doors to allow the worst of the heat to leave. Another way to cool down a car is to wet a towel and place it on the floor of your car.

If you don’t have access to any water, then use ice packs or frozen bottles in lieu for that purpose as well! If all else fails… just take them with YOU wherever they need to go instead, so there’s no risk at ALL involved.

Also, if you are like me and have found your dog travel best in the rear part of the car, you might want to set up a handy fan (mine is USB powered) to keep cool air circulating.

In summer, never leave your dog in the car for too long, unless you want to turn him into Mexican tortillas. Even if it’s a balmy 27ºC outside, inside the car it can get up to 120ºF or more… Quite the mobile oven! If you leave them in a closed car, you run the risk of heat stroke or death.

Can you at least give a Newfoundland dog a haircut?

Can you at least give a Newfoundland dog a haircut

Yes, it’s ok to take your dog to a groomer and give them a summer cut.

The groomer will use clippers to trim the fur on their body and legs. You can also do this at home with a pair of electric dog grooming shears if you are comfortable doing so, but it’s best not cut too close, as I’ve mentioned before because they have an undercoat that won’t give them protection from sunburns in the summer on its own!

What should you do if your dog won’t stop panting in Summer?

What should you do if your dog won’t stop panting in Summer

Well, panting is how a dog cools itself off. So if your dog is panting, it’s a good sign that they’re hot and need to cool down, but are doing that naturally!

One way you can help them out with this problem (besides getting the air conditioner going) would be by giving him or her ice cubes in their water bowl throughout summer hours. My dog Mia absolutely loves this, and it’s been quite funny when we take her to a picnic or something and people see her dipping her nose in the beer cooler.

However, if you deem the panting to be excessive (And you’ll know) you should immediately take your dog to the vet. This is certainly the right course of action if you are already in a fairly shaded and cool place.

If you’re not sure if they are panting excessively, it’s best just be safe and go see a professional! They can tell by looking at their gums or checking for other signs of dehydration, like sunken eyes (which is also an indicator that he/she might need more water).

What are the best dog grooming products to buy?

As I said before, you definitely don’t want to shave your Newfoundland dog, but you can, if you feel up to it, give them a slight haircut yourself. Ideally, you should get a professional to do it the first time so that you can get a real idea of how little you need to take off.

If you are ready to take the plunge into self-dog grooming, I can recommend the following products which you can pick up at a great price from Amazon.

— A good pair of clippers. You don’t need anything fancy, just a basic set that will do the job and not cost you an arm or leg in price! I recommend this one from which is great quality for your money:

Should I leave my Newfoundland in their crate overnight during the summer?

Assuming that the crate in question has fairly open sides, then continuing your normal routine wouldn’t be bad. Just make sure that you make your dog as comfortable as you can by providing a cool water bowl, some ice cubes to chew on and maybe even the air conditioning turned down.

If the crate really isn’t going to let the air circulate, even with a fan on, then you may want to let your dog sleep outside it and on a cooler surface.

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